Wednesday, January 03, 2007

First time in Nanyang (Orientation Day 1)

Zephyr-OG29 is where I belong...
First time stepped into Nanyang..slope..zigzag to canteen...find nicholyn. I dun feel like primary one kid la but erm...ahya, something like that la. I at OG29. Got three OGLs, Kai Bing, Kelvin and Joanne. Haha, Joanne is the one who is very high one, lol. The front part of the day quite sianzzz...talks and more tlaks but heck la, admin stuff come first ma. Fun part leave it later ba. But I 心疼 my butt. Looking around my OG not that bad..quite proportionatela. Gerls chio ones...T.T sadzz ar..guys not bad la. Everyone sooooooo quiet except the Catholic high guy and the Chung Cheng guy. Mmm..maybe they already good friends. They laugh a lot and the gerls was "....." so Is it there stone. Maybe I will sit back and observe. Played wacko and some kind of hold your hands and run game which I dunno the name. Quite fun la. See? Leave the fun part for the last. Must be optimistic. Is a new year and new school. Time to wipe out my old self which dragged myself into a deep pit.


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