Saturday, December 10, 2005

So for so bad...damn pathetic...

Holidays sucks as far as I can express myself. I can even say that none of the days I feel really great. Try waking up almost every week day with no one around in the house and stay like this for 11 hours. Then after that, mum reaches home, screaming her head off that you did not do housework and started throwing things around. This holiday though I have not so far done anything yet, I really give myself real LOTS of time to me,myself and I. I really wonder if this goes on, does it affect how I interact with my classmates when school reopens. Just dun feel like talking to anyone. Had been online for days but I did not talked to anyone at all. Feel kinda of stupid, I am always asking, "How is your day? Fine ah? Good Lor...mine ar? Like that lor..." Bunch of crap... My mood throughout the holiday is down, depressed, angry with dunno wad and surprise, supposedly the so-called kai1 xin1 guo3 never even feel happy once in the holiday.

Resolutions for next year is basically simpe, think I a bit retard to even mention them. Ermz...let's see..Oh ya, first of all, talk as little as is to the extend only you talk when people ask you questions.. Secondly, study as hard as possible...try to get 5A1s first in mid year then talk about getting any A1s for O's. Thirdly, is to cut down weight lor.. Had not gone out for a month..have not exercise...Haha, maybe next week then go out..

Btw, I have students le!!! but da, they are Sec1 students next year. I was kinda anxious and excited lor...first time wad... Well, never, there is always first times.. I was thinking if it concerns my cousin's circle of friends or wadsoever reasons, his friends that I am gonna teach tuition landed in less than 200 mark categary. Somehow, at first i thought it should be easy to teach. But second thought, it may be difficult as a huge amount of effort is required if they are those kind refuse to study one...But if they are those who are willing to work hard but lack of quidiance,think they will be alright.... Now the students' targets are basically to push themelves up from Normal tec to Express...I will try my best....

Perhaps after my first leson next week, I may get my sense of satisfation and feel better ba...we'll wait and see...


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