Sunday, January 06, 2008

Yay!!! One week goes like this

Since tomorrow, it'll be Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday again.
Look at Wednesday, and Thursday they'll turn into Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Let's go for our everyday dreams.
Let's go again!
Since tomorrow, it'll be Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday again.
Look at Wednesday, and Thursday they'll turn into Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Let's keep living enjoying ourselves.
Let's continue!
♪ ♪ ☆ When Monday begins, everyday I pine for the distant weekend.
When it becomes Tuesday and Wednesday, I get a smiling face.
Am I having cramps?
I realize that Thursday is fair and important.
I haven't decided on tomorrow's night plans so I'll think about it on Friday.
I'll go and break the wall of freedom
I survive everyday with a cloudy mind while we continue working our butt off.
If this walking heart gives up, we'll go at ease on our defeat ♪ ♪ ☆
It can't be helped now, I still have a lot of things to do, and this feeling is defeated
In one day I get 4 hours of sleep
Everyday this physical strength is poured into becoming an adult, what does it mean?
The exterior still looks nice, but I'm older than 35 years already
What kind of face we will have?
Are we going to become good-looking adults?
I survive everyday with a cloudy mind while we continue slowly and nicely.
I won't give up someday it'll be necessary for a drop of water to pierce a rock.
♪ ♪ ☆ Everyday is a repetition
There is not a place to go.
This feeling goes over and over,
It turns to be dizzy
Everyday is like swimming
But when I get discourage, I laugh and laugh to make myself merry once more.
Let's go again! ♪ ♪ ☆


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