Monday, December 07, 2009

As days went by, I just got more and more awkward regarding to the way I am. Tired of asking myself the same question repeatedly. " Who do you feel connected to?" "Is there anyone who is really close to you?" "Why people's lives seemed to be not hypocritical as you ar?" Fine, those are more than one question. But I can't answer those. Dun care...find if it is a seven day job. Bring it on. I want to work till I drop. Without thinking of trivial matters. Ya, trivial indeed. So trivial that I am freaked by them. Talking about an elephant fearing a rat. I'm the elephant. The questions are pesky rats.


Blogger AhGOGO said...


waha this looks like a post I would have written myself!

meet up one day. I am having holidays till jan 11 =)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:40:00 am  

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