Friday, February 23, 2007

Darn it..I am just pathetic

Just let me change my heart is bandaged BUT I CANNOT STOP THE BLEEDING!! Haizz..心好像断了几根线,离自己的灵魂更远了。We are still friends.."right". Surely there will be strain in this friendship..humans just love to desperately try to lie to themselves eh? No worries, I am guilty of that most of the times. We know perfectly well when things are not looking up. Friends are scattered like seeds in the wind(since when I become so poetic?) One word conversations seemed to be frequent these days. 别人只是在自己的人生道路中路过罢了,何必要这么认真?不是吗?还是我变得很现实了?其实没什么好吃亏的。。。先是不是人的本性吗?


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