Saturday, April 14, 2007


我这老妈子就喜欢开玩笑,帮我作facial. 是一边做一边吵架。As usual,像往常一样在MSN与朋友聊天,才发现谁都没有话题来聊,只是傻傻`默默地瞪着荧幕。我对这种感觉太熟悉了,isn't it just another friend that I talked to till there is nothing to talk about? 交朋友是这样的下场吗?算了,looks like I have been sleeping all this whole. Oblivious from where I am standing..people showed me I stand, on the position where I am meant to be alone..BUT me, being thick-skinned keep fighting to get a space where people are suitable to be socialising. So got pushed out and hurting myself, stupid right? Hasn't I experinced it first time in my life during the previous relationship? We talked till we HAD to strain ourseleves to literally squeeze out subjects to talk, to interact. Got more and more distanced, ended up, backed up by the other party's faults, we said "you are not my type" and broke up. PAthetic, darn pathetic...who? ME, myself and I who is the main problem. 站错位置。。。

"Think wat you will I am too indifferent to care" I will remember this sentence that hurts me a lot forever


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