Saturday, April 21, 2007

Geeezzzz..LAUGH!!! DARN POOPED!!!

Surprisingly, I did not doze off during lessons today...ok, for 10 the main subject taught was maths...mmm, 6 hours in all. My throat is getting sore from all the laughing, talking and eating snacks to keep myself awake. Dun ask me why but I can teach half way and fall alseep with my brain still processing wad to say after that..

Funny thing of the day, I was talking abt the Snell's Law (oops, forgot the spelling). My student did not catch wad I he asked "huh? Snell's ball?" Everyone was laughing like hell so no one answered him. So he asked again " Wad thing? Rice ball?" Everyone laughed even harder only another fellow choked out "Football la..." Lol, I was laughing like spent a lot of time recovering myself...

Got paid!!! So went to buy my deodorant AT LAST AR!!! Bought chao guay tioa and hokkin mee...anyhow la..each half half..bought soya bean milk and cake for tmr de breakfast...haizz...watched the second last ending of bai se ju ta..sad ar...why life always got such unfair things like daughter passing away on one's birthday?


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