Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Today ar...quite productive =)

I reached sch at 0710 cos Javier asked to reach at 0740 for bball and my tummy is making a racket..ended up that pig only woke up at 0845 something and somemore he lives at boon lay which is freaking far. Lucky I got bring my chem and my calligraphy to entertain myself. I started studying chemistry..mmm, 19 pages in all. Then after that I switched to calligraphy. Yong Kit and Jue Kai dropped by to dump their bags to me as they went off for floorball. AHAHAHA!! Yong Kit you finally not goal keeper liao ar? ^^ Lol, I managed to almost finish my class de names...mmm maybe 3 or 4 more to go ba. Listened finish 4 CDs before Javier finally reached. Then a bad thing happened!!! I SHOT BADLY!!!! OH NO!!!!! WAD HAPPENED TO ME?!?!?! Bleah..heck. Bbball seemed to have lost its appeal to me..haizz.. I played for less than half an hour (OMG!!!) then I ran off to have I came back with my calf aching for no reason..Heck! It has been like that ever since holidays started. I went to squash court whack ball. Boy, Casslyn's racket rocks man! Tension of the strings damn shiok! Perrine came so might as well have a game wif her. Sad to say I am still way behind her..haizz...must ditch bball aside to train more!!! Tyson dropped by but he is only allowed to play if I am played squash with him. Ok ended up 11-3 ( I won), 11-5 ( I lost T.T). He got blisters and ka jiao me like hell when online at night. Haizz...he darn discriminating against short pple like me...sad ar...Man, my neck is aching...bye bye


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