Wednesday, November 18, 2009

To The Person I Used to Treasure

I'm confused. I've no idea what to do nor do I know how to feel. Tell me who am I. Tell me what am I to you. You distanced yourself, then you closed the gap. After that, you step yourself away from me. What kind of the dance are you trying to choreograph? It's tiring. I can't keep up with you. Been quite a while isn't? So speak to me, tell me what you are thinking. Stop playing your cards so close to your chest for god's sake, wait, for my sake. The rest I understand, I may not be a good friend, I may have done too much for them for my own good, I may have been a bitch to some, be a hypocrite to the others. But for you, at least it's real. It's goddammit real.


Blogger jesspebbles said...

Hey I decide for u liao! Though i'm not fit to say this but "End all."

Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:56:00 pm  

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