When happened to me happened to someone else.
Her pain was heartfelt. Somehow is like reflecting myself and the situation I was in. I understand how she feels. Normally friend's don't, no matter how many times they claim to be understandable. No, I am different. I was in the exact situation as she was. 那么痴情,愿意把自己所有的一切给他,但他不领情,混蛋,该死的男人. Dunno why, I listen to her, the pain is kinda real. Feel pain for her? Able to feel hm's pain when she saw yc dancing with a girl on stage though it was only a competition. She wished it was her. Could feel eeyore's pain when she came to realise that he could never be with her though she had put in a lot. Awfully one-sided. How would she feel when she saw 2 of them walking out of the campus together? Would have called her naive. To think back, wasn't I the same? I dun even know how I will feel when I saw HIM walk out of school, holding a girl's hand. Tear myself apart? The point of doing that? That's no reason to it, seriously. All i want to do now is that i wish i could be at her side when she is feeling down, give her a hug, telling her that everything's going to be ok. Am i going to do the same for myself? Will I allow anyone to do that for me? I dun think so. Why? I am known to be harsh to myself. Not allowing myself to soften down, like what happened 9 months ago. It's not worth. That son of the bitch.