Hui Ling's new way of communication with Hazel
My honey came over today when I was changing bedsheets. "I shall declare you as my gf!"That's wad I yelled from the bedroom. Well, I was answered by gagging noises and puking sounds. *shrugs* Hahaha. The next thing she did that made me laugh like hell, hurting my sides, was to talk to Hazel. " Rough! Rough! Rough!" Hazel just tilt her head to one side and looked at Hui Ling, puzzled. ROFL! Sigh, should have videoed it down. She played guitar geek on the com while i was still worrying over my household chores. Went out, played squash, knee went bananas, got back home and slack...haha. Rough, rough indeed. So, the anniversary date is 25/11. Not bad, celebrate one month on christmas. Heh heh heh, hohohoho. Haha =)